Distributor Internet Access Sign-Up Form
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----- Please Select a State -----
AK - Alaska
AL - Alabama
AR - Arkansas
AZ - Arizona
CA - California
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CT - Connecticut
DC - District of Columbia
DE - Delaware
FL - Florida
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RI - Rhode Island
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SD - South Dakota
TN - Tennessee
TX - Texas
UT - Utah
VA - Virgina
VT - Vermont
WA - Washington
WI - Wisconsin
WV - West Virginia
WY - Wyoming
DC - District of Columbia
PR - Puerto Rico
----- Or a Canadian Province -----
AB - Alberta
BC - British Columbia
NB - New Brunswick
MB - Manitoba
NL - Newfoundland and Labrador
NT - Northwest Territories
NS - Nova Scotia
NU - Nunavut
ON - Ontario
PE - Prince Edward Island
QC - Quebec
SK - Saskatchewan
YT - Yukon Territories
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